Benefits of Exhibiting in Dubai, UAE

Benefits of Exhibiting in Dubai, UAE

Benefits of Exhibiting in Dubai, UAE

In the contemporary world of eCommerce, the customers want hands-on information about the products, which makes exhibitions a powerful and responsive marketing tool. Exhibitions provide customers a chance to meet the producers, closely observe the products and gather as much information as they want. This is why; consumers are now more interested in exhibitions than online shopping.

If you have delivered your exhibition objective right, then you are among those fortunate people who earn the maximum output from exhibitions than any other marketing tactic. The Exhibition & Event Association Dubai (EEAD) has declared that around 91% of the consumers prefer visiting the trade shows for shopping. Furthermore, 29% of the consumers shop only from the trade events.

The Right Exhibition

A right exhibition is directly related to the right audience. Before deciding your event or destination of exhibition, you must decide your audience type first. Every major event organizer knows about the expected audience coming to the show. The EEAD has a personalized code of conduct for the transparency and accuracy of exhibition data. Your purpose should not be to reach a greater number of audiences but to meet the qualitative type of visitors.

Likewise, you need to figure out the number and type of other exhibiting companies at the show to know your business worth there. It would not go in vain if you gather information about the type of exhibitors coming and about the exhibitors who have confirmed their attendance in advance. The presence of competitors in the show is a good sign. It means that a greater number of responsive and productive audiences will attend the show.

A big exhibition does not mean a big success. For example; in a big show or event, a small exhibition stand could not be easily found out. However; a small but highly targeted show can help you get the most out of your plan. Any firm can make big profits provided that its marketing strategy is targeted.

With every exhibition, conferences, shows, meetings, lectures and seminars are related. You can simply sponsor the seminars, and provide volunteer services to lectures or conferences. Sometimes, the exhibitions itself provide a platform to grab greater attention by giving you a chance. Visitors might be more interested in speeches than the exhibitions.

In an exhibition, every space is not the attention grabber. The ideal destinations for truly grabbing the attention of visitors are the entrance, corners and the outline of exhibition hall. In the congested inner aisles, you might not get sufficient space for backdrop. If possible, then adjust yourself to some major player of the event or a company who is repeating participation. However; the space itself cannot do the job unless you don’t utilize it fully and effectively.

A well-planned exhibition will help you boost your PR, marketing and advertising. You might also grab a copy of the expected visitors and send them promotional mails. A big banner exhibition is mostly covered by magazines and newspapers. Contact the expected magazines and newspapers, find out relations and make sure that your name or stand is highlighted in the feature, news story or editorial. Prepare press releases and company brief beforehand and place them in the exhibition office. Invite press to your stand and hand over them the press releases. Other options include sponsoring events, advertising or demonstrating your exhibition stand where delegates meet including parking lots to cafeterias.

Exhibiting Your Business

An exhibition stand is designed in four basic manners but new systems are always coming into the market. The transportation of your equipment’s will depend on the type of stand you choose. Small stands comprising of pop-ups, flags and banners can be easily adjusted in the back of your car. Shell schemes; basic exhibition stand, often gives your company name displayed on the top. Modular stands or middle sized stands are easy to reuse and readjust with different techniques. Custom-built stands are not only large but they are costly as well. Their reuse totally depends on your own choice. When you assign a contractor to prepare your stand, then make sure that he has bonds with the trade association. Even if he busts, your contract will be fulfilled by the association.

Exhibition halls are often congested and visually cluttered. But you really don’t have to work diehard to become dominant. The trick is to prepare an open exhibition stand from most of the sides so that it delivers a message of welcome and not intimidation. Steps, desks, center cards and mid-section posters act as barriers against audience reach. Maintain the level of flooring similar to the hall. If you want to work on flooring as well, then you can print it for marketing purposes.

An outstanding exhibition stand is the one which carries a focal or attention point which makes it dominant and memorable. It will not only attract the visitors but will also pave your way for future exhibitions by building stronger customer presence.

The second step after the selection of the exhibition team or personnel is to train them perfectly so that they answer the questions fluently and deal people humbly. Apart from their communication style, their physical personality should also be inviting and appealing. They should not be busy with each other or their food. People approach those stands more where attendees seem to be free and waiting.

Some exhibitors use the technique of gifts, promotional prizes and incentives to attract better number of audience. If the gifts and giveaways are related to your business and performing the marketing function for your business, then this is a good technique for you. At the same time, these giveaways might grab the attention of time-wasters, uninterested people or freebies. But one is not sure about the potential of an exhibition stand visitor. For your security, gather the information about the visitors by asking them to fill out a simple form.

Exhibition Follow Up

Exhibitions have a potential of delivering unexpected sales lead. Unfortunately, 75% of the lead is left unmarked. You might have collected your complete list of visitor profiles. Also, you might have gathered visitor information from the event organizer. This information is mostly left untouched after the event, but it can provide you golden profits. This information is basically a picture of your performance on the day of exhibition and a comparison to your performance today. These are your sales leads which you must follow-up since the very next day.

Many exhibitors are now using modern day technological devices to gather the customer information including the light pens. These devices are friendly and at the same time resourceful. They allow you to gather greater information than old school techniques. With these devices, you can discover the potential of your visitors’ buying authority, his buying need and the timescale of visitors buying intention.

Your hard job will start after the event. Hot sales leads can fade out within no time. You have to remind them immediately; no matter even if you do with a simple thanks mail. If you have promised to send any product information, quotes or any other information, then make sure to fulfill your promise within 24 hours. Finally, make a list of the most interested visitors and put them on the hot contact list.

Another extremely important job after exhibition is debriefing the team. Discuss the exhibition performance with the staff, descriptively discuss each goal, talk about the techniques, and find out the successful and non-successful techniques. Assess your performance in the exhibition, rate your success and prepare a post exhibition report. This report will help you plan the strategy for future. If you have fortunately turned out your hot contact list into profit producers or new businesses, then you can again participate in the exhibition next year with more confidence, better strategy and greater charisma.

Exhibition Support services

If you’re planning on exhibiting at a trade show in Dubai, it’s important to have a reliable exhibition support services provider on your side. Strokes Exhibits Dubai has over 20 years of experience helping clients make their exhibition participation a huge success. We offer a wide range of exhibition support services, from stand design and construction, Stand management, to logistics and on-site support. We’ll work closely with you to understand your exhibition goals and ensure that everything is taken care of, so you can focus on making sales and connecting with new contacts. When you partner with Strokes Exhibits Dubai, you can be confident that your exhibition will be a success.

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