44 valuable Tips for Increasing ROI on Exhibition Participation in Dubai,Abu Dhabi,UAE

44 valuable Tips for Increasing ROI on Exhibition Participation in Dubai,Abu Dhabi,UAE

44 valuable Tips for Increasing ROI on Exhibition Participation in Dubai,Abu Dhabi,UAE

If you are an exhibitor and wondering how to make sales and increase ROI, on Exhibition Participation in Dubai, Abu Dhabi , UAE, here are a few tips to get started.

1. Choose exhibitions carefully

Select exhibitions wisely. To manage your team’s time more efficiently and to conserve resources this is crucial. To meet the right customers’ target exhibitions that are more focused on your industry.

2. Book your slot early

If you want the spot of your choice on the exhibition floor you need to book your exhibition space well in advance.

3. Be a regular at exhibitions

To reach new customer bases and tap new markets try to attend more exhibitions outside your country and territory.

4. Do your research

To know from where your competitors are getting more leads you need to do more research and visit such exhibitions.

5. Invest wisely

Rather than dissipating your money and energy in exhibiting in more shows it is wise to invest in fewer exhibitions.

6. Choose your exhibitions carefully

Get to know the exhibitions your target audience is visiting by interacting with them, and try to exhibit in those exhibitions.

7. A bigger exhibition stand is always better

To stand out from among potential competitors and establish your brand it is best to exhibit from a large exhibition stand. To stand out from the crowd you need a unique stand. Opt for a creative booth design that is in sync with your marketing strategy to boost your exhibition presence.

8. Make some noise about your exhibition participation

On your company website mention that you are participating in the exhibition. Include all the details of your booth including your exhibition stand number.

9. Keep a catchy and crisp marketing message

Come up with a short and sweet sales slogan. To get the attention of visitors from a distance opt for short copy, and print them in large font sizes.

10. Get bold with graphics

Visitors are attracted to larger than life graphics. This will attract more visitors to your booth.

11. Use your resources

Never miss out on advertising opportunities provided by the exhibition organizers. They will be at a nominal charge. If you are lucky you may even get to advertise for free.

12. Promote and advertise

Advertise your exhibition participation in trade magazines. That way will your products and brand will reach more people.

13. Make a good first impression

To get more footfalls to make the entrance of your exhibition stand as welcoming as possible.

14. To please your target audience, customize

To help you customize the messaging and the design in your stand, learn about the types of visitors likely to be at the exhibition. This way you can increase the footfall to your stand.

15. Cleanliness is never out of fashion

Even during rush hours, you need to keep your exhibition stand neat and clean. That will tell a lot about your brand and products.

16. Placement is important

Avoid printing messages on the floor, which is often overlooked by visitors.

17. Always aim for a smart product display

Your stand must showcase the most popular products.

18. Exhibition graphics have a huge impact

To convey your brand and message loud and clear use large graphics.

19. Bring on bold hues

Visitors are attracted to colors, so use them in your graphic designs. This way you can make your exhibition stands more attractive.

20. Invest in the latest gadgets

To attract visitors who pass by your stand use multimedia tools like films and other applications to your advantage.

21. Do your homework

Before the exhibition makes your marketing and sales teams to schedule appointments with present and potential clients.

22. Notifications and newsletters

To make sure that your clients and contacts on your mailing list know about your participation in the exhibition run an e-mail campaign.

23. Make some noise on social media

The best way to advertise your participation in the exhibition is through social media.

24. Schedule appointments

Get your sales and marketing teams to schedule appointments with present and potential clients before the exhibition.

25. Publish in magazines

Give write-ups in trade journals about your participation in the exhibition.

26. Timing is crucial

When potential customers, as well as clients, visit your exhibition you can invite them out for lunch or dinner. This will strengthen your bond with them.

27. Invest in your own website

For the exhibition alone you can set up a website and give news and interesting information on the site.

28. Impress with your invite

Invitation cards to your prospects must be smartly designed. You can also mention about gifts and other perks of visiting the expo.

Make use of the platform to launch your latest products

By announcing a product launch you can always attract a larger number of visitors to your stand.

29. Provide refreshments

To invite and talk to your customers and potential clients serving drinks and food at your exhibition stand is a great way.

30. Maintain decorum and uniformity

Another good way to advertise your products during the exhibition is by making your team in the exhibition stand wear a standardized uniform.

31. Giveaways add to recall value

To add to the recall value of your brand, give visitors a small but useful gift.

32. Offer discounts

A trick to boost sales is to give special discount offers on products booked or bought during the exhibition.

33. Lucky draws are an all-time favorite

A great way to convert potential clients is by organizing a lucky draw or a competition where visitors can win prizes.

34. Don’t forget the media

To spread the word about your exhibition stand as well as your brand and products organize a press conference during the exhibition.

35. Seminars and workshops

To convert prospective clients and add value to your company’s brand value organize seminars and workshops at a venue in the exhibition.

36. Have some fun and games

Having entertainment pods or setting up gaming consoles and other fun activities at your exhibition stand always act as a good crowd puller.

37. Celebrity talk

For more publicity and also to get the attention of visitors have a celebrity inaugurate your stand.

Go live

To increase customer experience and sales let visitors feel and touch your products. You can also telecast corporate films and product demos on LED screens.

38. Don’t forget to get the mailing address

It is not just enough to distribute leaflets and sales brochures at your exhibition stands. Note down the mailing address of visitors and soon after the exhibition mail them more details.

39. Make your presence

The presence of senior executives of the company attracts more clients.

40. Train your staff to be always pleasant to visitors

To keep the visitors engaged train your stand staff to use their skills and charm. Only if the visitors feel welcome they will be more open to buy your products.

41. Use technology to your advantage

Make use of the latest technology to connect with your customers and prospective clients.

42. Make your stand interactive

To make visitors spend more time at your stand make your exhibition stand as interactive as possible. The longer the time they spend in your stand the greater is the prospect of them buying your products.

43. Be proactive and alert

Visitors may feel unwelcome if they see the staff at the stand sitting or lounging. So always make it a point to stand and be alert when visitors pass by or enter your stand.

44. Invest in your sales team

To make your sales team completely familiar with all your products you need to give them good training. You will always reap benefits by investing in your sales team.

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