Exhibition Tips: How to Maximize Your Experience in UAE Exhibitions?

Exhibition Tips: How to Maximize Your Experience in UAE Exhibitions?

Exhibition Tips: How to Maximize Your Experience in UAE Exhibitions?

Being part of the Exhibition industry for over a decade has enabled Strokes Exhibits to get some very important insights into exhibiting in UAE and Middle East. If the event is approached in the right way the dividends, in terms of sales, profile and new business opportunities, can be tremendous for everyone involved.
 For a successful show experience in UAE Exhibitions, it’s vital that you set realistic objectives, get a proper grip on your stand design, marketing, stand staffing and lead handling after the event.

It is vital to keep in mind that exhibition stand at UAE Exhibitions is like a shop window of your company and it has to clearly reflect your objectives. It’s a golden rule, to keep in mind when finalizing the design concept of stand and that is, visitor on your stand have to see what your company is doing, who you are and what your company is going to do for them in hardly couple of seconds. You have to read your exhibition manual in detail, it’s very important. You can take is as your “Show Success Mantra” and it will give contact details, valuable advices and forms to order furniture, electrics and flowers. As you will receive it, handover it to the in charge who is managing your exhibit at the exhibition, there should be deadlines, RFIs which have to be complete.

Setting of goals is very important to get success in an exhibition in UAE. You have to write in the magazines that are covering exhibition industry news at the time of exhibition. It’s one of the best opportunities to get coverage in the editorial page and to publicize your company profile. It’s better to have interesting story like milestone of company, new product or service launch then you have to ensure to send the information to the magazines which are publishing about your industry exhibitions. The show organizers can also provide you such contact details. So, you just need to do is, to pick up a phone!

You also need to properly brief people who are going to work on your stand as those will be your brand ambassadors. It’s highly recommended to hire a stand manager to ensure good conduct and support during the whole exhibition tenure. Also, make it sure to place your press packs in the press offices of shows and also ensure, you have sufficient pads for sales leads for the recording of people detail that are going to visit your exhibition stand in UAE Exhibitions.

Activities related with post show and promptly response on sales lead, feedback for new products, market information, or simple details related with networking are all have significant role and have to respond promptly. You also need to write letters to follow-up or you can also send your brochure pamphlets immediately, and after couple of days, you can follow up with the telephone calls. This way will absolutely boost your chances of closing a deal. You can also make your offer worthy by offering a special deal for the contacts made from exhibition to push your targeted customers for the purchase of your product; it may be during the show or after it.

Finally, you will notice, it’s really worthy to evaluate, how exactly exhibition performed against your expectations and goals. That’s a sole way to calculate your ROI (return on investment). You just need to sort out, if you have got success by generating sufficient business leads or sales by the exhibiting in the exhibition show.

Top Tips to get Success in Exhibitions

  • Objectives setting before exhibiting in Exhibition. Such as, how you are going to manage sales leads, for the launching of new products, for the development of customer databases etc.
  • Make it sure; your stand design is reflecting your objectives.
  • You will always read to reply to specific deadlines and mentioned information in the exhibition show manual.
  • You can avail timely booking discounts for the services like electrics in show.
  • Keep in mind to use marketing tools such as press releases for the company promotion in the show.
  • Make it sure to book all accommodation and travel requirement in advance for better rates and availability.
  • Properly train and brief staff that is going to represent on your stand as those will be your brand ambassadors.
  • Always keep “Exhibitor Tool Kit”, just for the emergency purpose.
  • You need to follow-up for the qualified leads, as you will be back from show
  • Evaluate what exactly your company has achieved at the exhibition show for the calculation of your ROI (Return on Investment) in event.

Partner with a reliable and experienced exhibition company in UAE

If you’re planning on exhibiting in UAE, there are a few things you can do to maximize your experience and ensure a successful show. First, it’s important to partner with a reliable and experienced exhibition company like Strokes Exhibits. We can help you with everything from exhibition stand design and fabrication to on-site support services. We’ll make sure your exhibition stand looks great and represents your brand well. In addition, we’ll provide you with the resources and support you need to make the most of your time at the exhibition.

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