Simple and Easy Laws for a Successful Gulfood Dubai Participation

Simple and Easy Laws for a Successful Gulfood Dubai Participation

Simple and Easy Laws for a Successful Gulfood Dubai Participation

The laws for successful Gulfood exhibition Dubai are heavier and more important than the rules. You can skip the rules but not the laws. But you really don’t need a 4 year degree to learn these laws. They are simple, easy and memorable.

Law 01: Decide Your Purpose

Deciding the purpose of your exhibition is as important as deciding a profession for yourself. Many companies book booths and invest money and efforts just to become a part of the rising Gulfood exhibition trend. Your staff needs to understand the goal. All the material and immaterial components of your exhibition include the goal so decide it before anything else.

Law 02: Logistics and Marketing Share Equal Importance

Because of a stock of responsibilities in a trade show, many people skip marketing as it seems to be a virtual responsibility. Logistics, on the other hand, seems a practical responsibility. But remember that both of them share an equal status of importance in your planning. You cannot skip any one of them.

Law 03: Exhibit at Potential Places

Not every arena is potent of giving you the profit. People never go to the court for ordering a nice dinner. They go to hotels and restaurants. Do a complete research about the people coming to the show. Get sufficient knowledge about other exhibitors. It will help you in knowing the people coming to the show.

Law 04: Exhibit Design is For Buyers, Not for Your Satisfaction

Your personal likes and dislikes about the design of an exhibit do not matter. You need professionalism to impress and attract people. The colors, shapes, stand types, designs and all other components should be appealing to every person entering the venue gate.

Law 05: Select Excited and Willing Staff Members Only

An unwilling staff member might act well in front of you but he will ruin your success on the venue. Ask from the staff members about their willingness to attend a show. Take the excited people only. This decision should be taken before and after the selection of staff.

Law 06: You MUST Train Your Staff

Very often, the companies select exhibition representatives from their staffs. However, they are not professional communicators. They have the additional quality of sufficient knowledge about the company but they need training to refine their skills for delivering that knowledge.

Law 07: Test Leads for Qualification

Follow up of the leads is a tough activity. It takes a lot of time. The professional exhibitors claim that the follow up of around 100 people can take more than a week with professional 8 hours daily. Therefore, every person who seems to be the lead is not important for follow up. Train your staff to ask them questions and feedback about the company so that it is clear that the company can build a relationship with them in future or not. Mark their qualifications during the show.

Law 08: On-Show Promotion is as important as Pre-Show Promotion

No matter how much a showbiz models prepares before the show, her presence would not be noted if she sits on the back seats away from the view of everyone. You have to promote yourself even on the show. Many companies fail at exhibiting because they waited for people to come. Why not go directly and invite them to meet you or offer them something surprising at your stand?

Law 09: Complete Follow up Preparation in Advance

A lawyer always prepares his concluding words before the trial. Similarly, your follow-up material should also be prepared before the show. The exhibitors will start forgetting you after 48 hours of meeting. Experienced exhibitors accept that work compilation after exhibition takes more than 2 days. So complete your follow-up material so that you can assign a staff member to start following people within the high time of 48 hours.

Law 10: Always Measure the Outcomes

Whenever you complete a project, no matter if it is successful or not, you measure the success and prepare a report. Similarly, after completing the exhibition, measure your outcomes with respect to the goals you set before the exhibition. Then prepare a report and share it with everyone.

Your exhibition success is highly based on these 10 laws. Remember that you can miss out any rule but you can never miss any of these laws if you really want to exhibit successfully.

 If you are looking for a reliable and experienced exhibition contractor in Dubai, Strokes Exhibits is the perfect partner for you. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, we have the knowledge and expertise to deliver high-quality stands that will help your business stand out from the competition. Request a meeting with us today to discuss your requirements and see how we can help you achieve success at Gulfood Dubai 

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