Trending Exhibition Stand Designs In Dubai

Trending Exhibition Stand Designs In Dubai

Trending Exhibition Stand Designs In Dubai

The marketplace is becoming more and more aggressive. To succeed in this competitive market, and deliver ROI your exhibition presence must appeal to event attendees. At Strokes Exhibits, we keep a close eye on emerging and current exhibition stand design trends in Dubai. We make sure our customers have everything they need to prosper. Here is a lowdown on some of the exhibition stand design trends in Dubai that we give emphasis.

Creating the “Wow Factor”

Visitors at an expo today want an experience. If your exhibition stand is just run-of-the-mill it won’t catch their attention. If you are looking for a Trending exhibition stand design company in Dubai, Strokes Exhibits cash in on is the creative use of signage, lighting and display systems. To make visitors stop and think, we use a bit of imagination, and engage them.

Through the strategic positioning of canvasses, light boxes and statement displays we achieve this. To create dynamic and attractive spaces with a variety of configurations and finishes cabinets and showcases are used.

Immersive technology

Integrating technology into exhibition designs is yet another exhibition stand design trend in Dubai. To help increase the number of leads generated at exhibitions a plethora of technology is being used. iPads, videos and a lot more are being integrated into stands of all shapes and sizes, alongside touch screen data capture, virtual reality headsets, holographs, and many other intelligent gadgets and features.

At Strokes Exhibits we make use of interactive technology at an affordable rate. For example, the usage of lighting to change the look of your exhibition space totally all through the day. We will attract visitor’s attention by promoting your displays in a dynamic fashion.

Yet another exhibition stand design trends in Dubai is the creation of a more personalised event experience to create a buzz. We use mobile apps, social media and other messaging tools to attract more leads.

Incorporating retail design trends

Leading retailers are now using texture, lighting and colour to engage and intrigue, and this takes the consumer experience to a new level. At Strokes Exhibits we incorporate this exhibition stand design trend in Dubai into your exhibition stands.

Focus on Engagement

It is important to generate footfall to your exhibition stand. But it is more important to engage visitors after capturing their attention. Using innovative spaces, as well as by providing food and drink and even games we can engage visitors. This will give your team a chance to strike up a conversation in a relaxed setting.  To engage potential customers, technology can also help in a big way. By making use of marketing automation tools and data integration we maximize engagement not only during the event but even before the start of the event and continue even after the event.


Another exhibition stand design trend in Dubai is the use of texture to boost appeal and add impact. At Strokes Exhibits we incorporate plants, rope, wood, and soft furnishings, in ways that don’t take away the attention of visitors from the displays themselves.


If the visitors are not going to talk to you there is no point in getting people to your exhibition stand. An exhibition stand trend in Dubai that we have noticed is the use of food and drink, videos and games, all used to give people a reason to initiate a conversation. These are nothing new, but we use it in such a way that the visitors will remember about your brands even after the event is over. Only if they recall your event it will be a success. We will make sure that the engagement leads to wider exhibition objectives.


Mixing sustainability and creativity is yet another exhibition stand design trend that is creating waves in Dubai. Green design may not be a new thing but it is becoming more popular. Strokes Exhibits specialises in 100% recyclable stands and custom modular aluminium profile system that is the current craze.

Are you looking for a Trending exhibition stand design company in Dubai?

Trending exhibition stand designs in Dubai are becoming more and more popular as businesses realize the benefits of investing in innovative stands that creates impact at the trade show. As a result, more companies are striving to create stands that are both visually appealing and functional. One of the leading companies in this field is Strokes Exhibits, which has been designing award-winning stands for over 20 years. The company’s team of experienced designers understands the latest trends and how to incorporate them into unique and effective stand designs. As a result, Strokes Exhibits is able to provide its clients with stands that are sure to attract attention and generate interest. If you are looking for a Trending exhibition stand design company in Dubai, look no further than Strokes Exhibits. Get in touch with us today to explore how we can create an Award Winning Stand for your next trade show participation!

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