How Twitter Can Spread Your Word to Visitors of DWTC Exhibitions Dubai
The benefits of digital experiences are unparalleled for exhibitions organized in DWTC (Dubai World Trade Centre). But now everyone accepts that the expansion of digital world is making people procrastinators especially when it comes to putting physical efforts in promoting your business in Dubai. As a matter of fact, many people still rely on physical space promotions of the business.
Many companies in Dubai use a combination of digital world with the real world to bring out benefits. Amazingly, these benefits are larger. Here we have picked top 3 tips which you can use to boost your business promotion performance at DWTC Exhibitions Dubai
Advance Working
For understanding this concept, here is an example. Consider a UAE food company in Dubai. This company has brought out its own recipes and it wants different brand recognition. Now, it is ready to exhibit its delicious recipes in a Gulfood. The company wants people to come to their stand not just because of a new name. It wants to meet people who already know the name. Twitter is here to serve now.
The company will find people on Twitter who love food talk. It will use all the techniques of spreading the word about its name. These include using the hashtags, spreading snapshots through Vine, and connect Twitter and Instagram and share pictures etc.
Share information, and follow people so they will follow you. Join groups and talks. Now, it is time to spread the word. Tell people that you are exhibiting on a trade show and you would love if they come and taste your brand new recipes on the Gulfood show.
Active Stand-to-Twitter Participation
Most often, the attendants on a stand are trained to give maximum time to their stand visitors. The rules of stand attendance also include that you should not seem busy on a stand or people would move to another stand. How about hiring one more person for connecting your stand activities with Twitter?
If you are not willing to hire another attendant for this purpose, then you can simply give access of company’s Twitter account to all the attendants. They will capture snapshots, make short videos and take comments etc. and post them on Twitter. It will keep the people engaged and motivate those on Twitter to come to your stand. This is a tactic of interest generation.
On the other hand, you can start your exhibition day with a Tweet. Tell people that the stand is ready and you are waiting for guests. Give updates to the people. When the show is on full swing, tweet something that shows how much your work is being loved.
Being spontaneous on a show is must. Now we will go back to the example of UAE Food Company. Let’s say that the show is not on full drive now and you are running out of guests. It will keep other willing people off as they will automatically perceive that you don’t have any special thing to offer.
This is a food company so why not start a quick food competition? Remember that ‘eat and win’ competitions need a lot of investment. They will offer food to people and ask them to tell 3 ingredients. The successful people will be given a giveaway of that food.
Take pictures of the competition and post it on Twitter. You can also ask the winner about their Twitter account (if they use). Follow them and tag them while spreading the news about their victory. Meanwhile, invite more people on Twitter to come to your stand and try their luck!
Looking to promote your stand at DWTC exhibitions through social media? Strokes exhibits offer exhibition support services to make your participation at dwtc hugely successful! Check out our website for more information on what we can do for you.